Artist in our Midst

Albertine Meyer, a resident of Sedona Heights, is a beautiful painter. She is having her first solo exhibition at Christina Lake Living Art Centre this summer. Her show is titled, “Nature’s Offerings.” The series is inspired by two beautiful settings: local Linden Gardens in Kaleden where she painted on site and Iceland. Yes, Iceland. A friend of hers returned from a trip to the Nordic country with many pictures. Albertine was so taken with the landscape that she knew she had to capture it with her brush.

Albertine was influenced by Henry Matisse, David Hockney and Georgia O’Keefe. She has deep concern for the environment; her response is to express the beauty around us through her art. When you look at the landscaping outside the home she shares with her husband Jim, you can tell it was done with an artist’s hand. Albertine’s show runs from JuneĀ  1st through August 31st in Christina Lake. You can meet the artist on Saturday, August 11th.

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